Philadelphia Area Creative Collaboratives
Featured Projects
How specifically do performances function as imagined spaces where communities both ancient and contemporary can reflect on the social realities of human experience through myriad forms?

After Work
While white-led, multi-racial cooperatives and other grassroots economic organizations say they are committed to racial and economic justice, they often perpetuate abiding forms of racial exclusion. How might these organizations be encouraged to “see” race and racial injustice and then act differently?

Fall 2017
Spring 2018
Fall 2018
Spring 2019
Fall 2019
Spring 2020
About PACC
Supported by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Philadelphia Area Creative Collaboratives (PACC) explored the role of the arts in effecting civic change and encouraged sustainable participatory communities of engagement. In partnership with local non-profit organizations, artists, Haverford faculty, and students the initiative created a regional hub coordinating a network of partners and activities within the Philadelphia area.
The PACC Program was active from 2017 to 2020. The PACC Program Manager was Stephanie Bursese. The PACC website, print campaign, and related materials were designed by Common Name.